
All companies need a career website

Potential employees want to know what type of company they’ll be working for. They want to know whether the organization is a good match for them, what their development opportunities are, and whether they’ll feel comfortable within the corporate culture. All of these questions play a role in a candidate’s decision to apply for a job. In the absence of a career website, these questions are hard to answer based on a vacancy alone. You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of secondary employee conditions either. A gym membership or childcare may be the extra motivation a candidate needs to apply. If you take recruitment seriously, your HR strategy should include a career website that is designed to attract talented candidates.

Why do I need a career website?

A corporate website is designed to attract clients and showcase what your company has to offer. A career website, on the other hand, is designed to show potential employees what you have to offer. It’s an accessible way to highlight all the extras your organization offers its employees. A career website gives candidates a feel for the company before they apply and helps you avoid receiving applications from candidates who aren’t a match for your corporate culture.

What are the advantages of a career website?

A career website not only helps you present yourself as an attractive employer, but also helps you attract high-quality applicants and streamline your application process. There are dozens more advantages to setting up a career website:

Employer branding

A career website makes it easier for you as a recruiter and a company to attract the very best candidates. A career site focuses on storytelling and experience, giving the candidate a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the organization. It also contributes to a better and more efficient recruitment process.


Career websites are well indexed by vacancy search engines as you’re focusing exclusively on one topic compared to a corporate site, which includes more than just vacancies. This improves both your findability and your visibility.

Transparent recruitment process

A career website makes it easy for candidates to find and browse vacancies and makes it easy for you as a recruiter to acquire data. This helps you measure the success of your recruitment campaign more accurately. When linked to a recruitment system like HROffice Recruitment, a career website contributes to a transparent recruitment process and expectation management for your candidates.

Easily manage vacancies and candidates

A career website makes it easy to create new vacancies. If you want to make things even easier, consider linking your website to an applicant tracking system (ATS), such as HROffice Recruitment, which automatically processes all applications. The result is greater efficiency and a positive candidate experience both during and after the application process.

Implement changes in-house with a simple CMS

If you prefer managing things in-house, a career website is the perfect solution: you can add and edit texts and images thanks to the user-friendly interface. Not only will you present yourself better to potential employees, a career website also helps you save time and respond to the latest developments.

From vacancy page to custom career website

Every business is unique and has its own unique recruitment needs. HROffice therefore offers various career website solutions for every situation. You can opt for a basic, mobile-friendly career website (otherwise known as a vacancy page) designed to attract new employees. If you want to share content about your organization in addition to vacancies, a premium career site may better suit your needs. If you also want to blog, share testimonials, or if you have other specific requirements, a custom career website is the perfect fit.