Workforce Management
Enhance the effectiveness of your workforce scheduling
HROffice Workforce Management gives you the insights you need to make your workforce scheduling more effective.
Workforce Management software
Clear, user-friendly, and GDPR-proof
Advantages of HROffice Workforce Management
Instant integration of workforce scheduling via HROffice Contracts
Workforce Management can be easily linked to HROffice Contracts to quickly schedule employees using the planning tool.
- Automatically activate new employees in the planning tool
- Prevent mistakes by using a link instead of copy-pasting
Workforce scheduling
Efficiently and easily plan all employees using the Workforce Management software
Forget Excel: thanks to the online planning software of HROffice Workforce Management, you can quickly and easily create employee work schedules.
- Check employee availability in the workforce plan overview
- Quickly and easily create an online workforce plan
- Schedule based on specific skills, shifts, and availability
- Save money and time with Autoplan, an optimized online planning tool
- Minimize the risks associated with erroneous schedules
Time registration
Manage, schedule, and report on flexible and permanent employees in the same system
HROffice Workforce Management has a CAO module to accurately translate to hour types.
- Manage absence reports and holidays
- Automatically calculate hours scheduled and hours worked
- Register and approve hours worked with the time registration tool
- Export time reports
Save time by easily registering and approving hours
Automatically calculate overtime and bonuses based on a CAP and link the schedule to the time registration clocks.
- Automatically calculate overtime and bonuses based on a CAO
- Link schedules to the time registration clocks
- Save time by easily registering and approving hours worked